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Our counseling program focuses on whole student wellness so that every student will "level-up" and engage in rigorous learning and build the skills necessary to develop their full potential. Guidance services are available to all students and our counselors are ready to give personal, educational, and vocational counseling and guidance whenever it is needed.

The scope of the services provided by our counselors includes:

  • Orientation
  • Information-Giving
  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • Placement and Scheduling
  • Standardized Test Result Interpretation
  • Identification of Students with Special Abilities or Needs
  • Parent Consultations
  • Referrals to Outside Agencies

Parents are encouraged to call the counselor for information or assistance on any matter concerning a student.

The Cainselor Connection Newsletter

Learn more about Klein Cain Counseling Resources

Klein cain counselors website

Klein Cain College & Career center

Lead Counselor

Tammie Doss

Lead Counselor - High School
Students A - Am

Graduate Advisor

Cristina Cornell

Counselor - Graduate Advisor
Graduation Advisor

Meet Our Counseling Team

Rhonda Bailey

Counselor - High School
Students Sin-Waq

Amber Bradford

Counselor - High School
Students Has - Lau

Sandra Corpus

Counselor - High School
Students Law-Moo

Erin Einhaus

Counselor - High School
College and Career

Joanne Hanson

Counselor - High School
Students An - Casta

Tiffanie James

Specialist - Mental Health

Susan Kopinitz

Counselor - High School CTE
Students War - Z

April Loeb

Counselor - High School
Students Mor-Qua

Paige Moser

Counselor - High School
Students Que-Sim

Jessica Reyes

Counselor - High School
504 Coordinator

Marcella Sauter

Counselor - High School
Students Caste - En

Michelle York

Counselor - High School
Students: Eo - Har