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1 2 3 16 > showing 1 - 25 of 395 constituents

Mavis Adams

Aide - SPED - Base (7.5) - HS

Mechelle Adams

Teacher - Science - HS

Yolanda Adams

Teacher - SPED - Vision Impairment

Katie Adan

Teacher - Language Other Than English - HS

Ruth Adkins-Villarreal

Students A-K

Mariam Ahmad


Qassem Al Rousan

Teacher - CTE - Trade and Industry

Emadeddin Al Sallag

Production Assistant I

Janice Aldaba

Secretary / Receptionist

Carol Alexander

Associate Principal - High School I

Stacy Alexander

Teacher - CTE - Technology Education

Jacob Allan

Teacher - CTE - Health Science; Physical Education - HS

Judith Alvarado

Teacher - Math - HS

Maria Alvarado

Production Assistant I

Tamrah Alvarado

Secretary - Attendance High School

Ruth Angol

Secretary - Special Education Campus

Joseph Anselmi

Teacher - Social Studies - HS

Rafael Arias

Teacher - Math - HS

Martha Armenta

Production Assistant III

Angela Arndt

Teacher - Language Other Than English - HS

Vicktor Arnick

Aide - SPED - In-Class Support (7.5) - HS

Wendy Avery

Teacher - CTE - Health Science - HS

Cherry Avila

Production Assistant III

Kathleen Bach

Teacher - Science - HS

Kayla Bachmeyer

Teacher - Math - HS